London, United Kingdom

1 Knightsbridge Green
United Kingdom

Enko Capital Management LLP (ECM) is based in London, United Kingdom. ECM provides fixed income and FX analysis, as well as international trade execution. ECM is regulated by FCA in the UK.

Johannesburg, South Africa

38 Wierda Road East
South Africa

Enko Capital Investments (PTY) Ltd (ECI) is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Enko’s private equity team and the middle office for the Enko Africa Debt Strategy operate out of this office. ECI is regulated by the FSCA in South Africa.

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Immeuble AZUR
16 avenue Crozet
Plateau Abidjan
Côte d’Ivoire

Enko Capital West Africa (ECWA) is based in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. ECWA is CREPMF regulated.

Port Louis, Mauritius

14 Poudrière Street
Premier Business Centre
Sterling Tower
Port Louis

Enko Fund Management Limited (EFM) is domiciled in Mauritius. EFM is regulated by the FSC in Mauritius.

Grievance Mechanism